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Lab and Test


  • Cotton Candy Machine Spins Artificial Capillary Networks

    The method can produce channels ranging from 3-55 microns.

  • Thin Film Transistor with 10X Power

    Researchers increased performance by designing a transistor architecture that takes advantage of bipolar action.

  • Seaweed Gel Preserves Stem Cells for Use in Bandage

    The ells are surrounded by an alginate gel that protects them from the environment.

  • Engineered Bacteria Creates Bio-pathway to Green Plastics

    Researchers have built an artificial biosynthetic pathway to produce 1,4-butanediol, or BDO.

  • Striking Gold from E-waste

    A less toxic and cheaper means of gold recovery from electronic waste is reported by a research team.

  • Chemical "Fingerprint" Identifies Bogus Spanish Spice

    Analysis revealed that 26 of 44 samples were neither grown nor processed in Spain.

  • Vertical Charge Transport Achieved in Semiconducting Polymer

    The researchers say the process is easy to replicate and inexpensive, opening the door to applications in organic opto-electronic devices and more.

  • Patent for Material Monitoring During Manufacturing

    The technique could reduce the cost of producing materials in a variety of industries, especially in high-throughput environments, such as roll-to-roll processing facilities.

  • Coming Soon: Computer Display on Contact Lenses

    The film can be used for a range of applications, from sensors that measure glucose levels in the blood, to electronic displays that can be worn directly in the eye.

  • Partial Water Pipe Replacement Ups Health Risk: Study

    If pipe replacements are to be done in response to lead contamination, half measures can create a greater problem than doing nothing, researchers say.

  • Lower-Cost Solar Cells Without Doping

    The study demonstrated a dopant-free silicon cell with an average efficiency above 19%.

  • Marine Worm Inspires Wet Glue

    Sandcastle worms secrete an adhesive to build a tube reef in intertidal environments where wind and wave velocity often exceed 25 meters per second.

  • Hydrogen Plasma Achieved in German Stellarator

    The initial experimentation phase will last till mid-March.

  • 3D-Printed Hypersonic Engine Combustor Successfully Tested

    A scramjet combustor is one of the mission-critical components of the propulsion system, responsible for housing and maintaining stable combustion within an extremely volatile environment.

  • Standing Up to the Perfect Storm

    Place a 1/50th scale model in the test basin at the University of Maine, and engineers can simulate winds of more than 200 mph and waves as high as 115 ft.

  • DARPA Project Aims to Bridge the Bio-Electronic Divide

    NESD aims to develop systems that can communicate with any of up to one million neurons in a given region of the brain.

  • Printing Shapeshifting Hydrogels in 4D

    Inspired by plants, the 4D-printed hydrogel composite structures change shape when immersed in water.

  • Cornell Creates Self-Assembled Superconductor

    The research is an effort to achieve superconductivity at higher temperatures.

  • 95% of Diesel Cars Exceed EU NOx Limits: Consumer Group

    Consumer group says that 95% of diesel cars and 10% of gasoline-powered cars emit more nitrogen oxide than EU limits allow.

  • NREL Launches Sustainable Mobility Initiative

    The laboratory’s initiative looks at transportation as an integrated system, where travelers and transportation resources are seen as a dynamic network.

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