Acoustic Monitoring Can Offer Early Warning of Trouble
Acoustic monitoring has become an essential part of early tube leak detection for utility boilers.
Scholars Challenge Colleges to Reform STEM Learning
College students are expected to learn too many facts that do not connect across their coursework, a group from Michigan State says.
The Lab-on-Chip Revolution: Finding the Right Niche
The field is on the verge of a major breakout across applications that range from medicine to oil production.
Researchers Create Innovative Nanoscale Wrench
The wrenches could be used to make custom molecules that are at the heart of next-gen synthetic materials and medicines.
Engineering Innovation May Lead to Carbon Capture Breakthrough
Microcapsules filled with baking soda could offer an economical and effective capture method.
NREL Signs Agreement with China’s National Utility
Agreement includes research project coordination, energy systems integration, power market design, site visits and personnel exchanges.
Don't Let Condensate Return Chemistry Bite You
Plant operators may not pay enough attention to condensate return quality, which can lead to severe problems in the steam generators.
Technique Lowers Cost of Energy-Efficient Embedded Computer Systems
Prototype boasts 95% efficiency and component costs of $0.50.
Dense Wind Turbine Spacing Could Sap Available Energy
A slowdown is substantial for large wind farms and results in less renewable energy generated for each turbine.
FAA Opens Airport Pavement Research Center
The center allows engineers to use a vehicle simulator to test asphalt and other pavement materials at high tire pressures and temperatures.
Researchers Develop Construction Site Warning System
SiteAware fuses data from several sensors to give machine operators an accurate, real-time representation of their current work environment.
Graphene-Based Catalysts for Energy Storage
The technology allows catalyzing reactions for obtaining hydrogen from alcohols and may also serve as storage systems of the gas.
MIT Develops Multi-Material 3D Printer
Device uses machine vision 3D-scanning techniques, which allow it to self-calibrate and self-correct for mistakes it makes.
Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications
Lasers are devices that produce intense beams of monochromatic, coherent radiation.
NASA Funds Solid-State Battery Research
The solid-state battery focuses on three areas: safety, performance and cost.
CO2 from the Air Used to Grow Carbon Nanofibers
University researchers use atmospheric CO2 to produce high-yield carbon nanofibers.
Silica-Based Paint Reflects Light from Surfaces
Scientists have developed a glass-based paint that reflects light off metal surfaces and protects those surfaces from corrosion caused by sunlight.
Venus Fly Trap Inspires Aircraft Wing Design
Researchers from the German Aerospace Center are developing a morphing wing trailing edge that can smoothly transform into any shape.
Aluminum Could Boost Rechargeable Batteries
Research team has developed an electrode made of nanoparticles with a solid shell, and a “yolk” inside that can change size repeatedly without affecting the shell.
Researchers Examine Owl Wings to Cut Wind Turbine Noise
An owl’s wing structure cuts noise by smoothing the passage of air as it passes over the wing, scattering the sound.