Shipping Container Delivers Off-Grid Sterilization for Medical Instruments
A shipping container houses the equipment required to process surgical instruments for safe reuse.
ASTM Standard Aimed at Crumb Rubber Turf
ASTM is developing a standard for measuring properties of crumb rubber infill that could be ingested by players on artificial turfs.
Hydrogel Puts Stem Cells to Sleep
Stem cells stored in the worm gel did not multiply, and the cells entered an arrested development phase.
Cyborg Patch for Cardiac Care
A heart patch may offer a therapeutic alternative to heart transplants.
Spongy Polymer Expands for Spinal Repair
A polymer graft offers a non-invasive method for filling gaps in the spine left after tumor removal.
Airplane Lavatory Self-Cleans Using Far Ultraviolet Light
UV Lights are positioned throughout the lavatory so that it floods all touch surfaces—toilet seat, sink and countertops—once a person exits the lavatory.
Feasibility of "Printing" Replacement Tissue Shown
The precision of 3D printing makes it a promising method for replicating the body's complex tissues and organs.
Bionic Fingertip Provides Tactile Feedback
An artificial fingertip offers scope to restore prosthetic touch for amputees.
Origami-Inspired Surgical Devices
Origami principles help design surgical tools so small that incisions will heal on their own.
Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm Moves Individual "Fingers"
Over 100,000 people living in the U.S. have had their hands or arms amputated, and most could potentially benefit from such technology.
Pioneering In-Human Use of Surgical Robot
The self-contained surgical platform is inserted through a midline umbilical incision in the patient’s abdomen.
EPA Adds Industrial Water Pollution, Chemical Releases to Enforcement Focus
Catastrophic accidents at chemical and industrial facilities result in fatalities and serious injuries.
Nano Crystals Make Stretch-and-Tune Lenses
The devices were made by embedding titanium oxide nano crystals in the contact-lens material.
Hydrogen Peroxide Process a Boon to Water Purification
The method produces hydrogen peroxide on demand through a one-step process.
Implanted Electrode Could Allow Mind Control of Exoskeleton
In in-human trials, which will begin in 2017, the researchers aim to achieve direct brain control of an exoskeleton for three people suffering from paralysis.
Paper-Based Skin with Real-Time Sensing
The skin was assembled from off-the-shelf materials.
Film Packaging Could Extend Food Shelf Life
The film is made with grapefruit seed extract which enhances its antibacterial and antiviral capability.
On-Demand Catalyst for Water Purification
The method may make hydrogen peroxide more accessible to underdeveloped regions of the world.
Scientists Build Tiny Rotary Motor
The device is made of three components that click together to form an axle bearing and a spinning crank lever.
MRI: Led by Physics, Followed by Lawsuits
The science, technology… and ugly politics… behind the development of MRI.