New drone equipped with shotgun to shoot down other drones
Marie Donlon | April 02, 2019Source: S B/YouTubeRussian defense contractor Almaz Antey has built a drone that shoots other drones out of the sky.
According to reports, the weaponized drone, which was developed by the student design bureau of aviation modeling at the Moscow Aviation Institute for Almaz Antey, is equipped with a Vepr-12 shotgun and a 10-round magazine to potentially shoot threatening drones out of the sky.
The Almaz Antey drone is controlled by a visor worn by the pilot that connects via video link to the drone’s camera, enabling the pilot to control the direction of the drone and to aim the weapon at targets. Capable of vertical takeoff, the drone was outfitted with a shotgun due to its wide dispersal pattern that reportedly makes it easier to hit a target.
Several new anti-drone technologies have been developed to disable drones, particularly following news that several recent drone sightings have disrupted flights at major airports, posing safety concerns. Currently, net equipped drones, laser beams and signal blockers have been explored as possible solutions for disabling drones in the event that they are used for surveillance or to fire weapons.
Coming to a reality TV channel soon.
Another backyard "redneck" product of American ingenuity?
In reply to #2
Dear Sir,
please update your reading skills.
Your anti-american bias is showing. Quote:"Russian defense contractor Almaz Antey has built a drone that shoots other drones out of the sky." unquote.
I am an Aussie, and I have been thinking along the same lines. Any agricultural drone would suffice. With a payload of 28Kg (61lbs). So. For an outlay of some $20,000.00 bucks, you have your "Gunship", then fit the ordinance of your choice.
Meeeooww....Marum.(D ie schachspielen Katze)
In reply to #5
Who says a Russian can't be a redneck? Redneck is a state of mind, not a state or nation.
Redneck is also a source of pride while also being a label of ridicule. Call someone a redneck and you establish a bistable state where you will either get punched in the nose or thanked for recognizing their native creativity.
Probably quicker to build these than to train falcons to snatch em. Then again, I could really see that falcon on a pizza delivery drone...
Amazon Pizza Sky Wars, coming to a theater near you.
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far, far away.......The Russians built a Death Drone, imposing their rule of the sky, over all the lands. The Force awakens, the First Order of the Amazon Empire prepares to meet the Resistance. May the 4th be with you.
Use the fork Amazon, use the fork!