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Supply Chain


  • Addressing Data Security Risks in Industrial Automation

    Industry 4.0 (also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution) promises to bring increased levels of automation and interconnection to manufacturing. Proponents suggest that it should increase efficiency and adaptability to allow for more customizable production.

  • Logistics: Increasing Efficiency in the Last Mile of the Supply Chain

    Unless a storm washes your shipping container off the deck of a ship, supply chains tend to work well—at least until the final mile. That last mile of the supply chain is fraught with hazards that include confusing delivery instructions, signature issues and theft.

  • Oil Price Drop Leads to Lower Petrochemical Prices and Market Weakness, IHS Says

    The recent decline in global oil prices is causing some petrochemical supply chain destocking, but is also sowing the seeds for better economic conditions, lower petrochemical prices and improving global petrochemical demand.

  • How to Attain (and Retain) Engineering Innovators

    Innovation has always been fundamental to engineering and to attain a competitive edge globally, engineers need to have a widespread culture of innovation.

  • Advanced Industries Help Fuel U.S. Economy

    Advanced industries primarily aids in U.S economy but faces challenges as though there is a demand for jobs in advanced industries, training of workers are limited and according to the report by Brookings Institution more needs to be done to grow the pool of skilled workers.

  • Smartphone Display Manufacturers Face Price Pressures in 2015, IHS Says

    IHS reported that panel makers for smartphones are facing difficulties in maintaining the prices in 2015.

  • Educating the Future Engineer

    Educating the future engineers is all about the widening gap between the realities of modern practicing and engineering education. The big challenge becomes how best to close that gap to meet the needs of engineering students, their future employers and their contributions.

  • Toshiba Hops on Internet-of-Things Train

    Like many other technology firms, Toshiba is creating a special division to focus on the Internet of Things (IoT). The company announced plans to combine its Cloud & Solution division and ICT departments beginning April 1.

  • UK Chemical Engineering Student Enrollment Rises

    Statistics published by the Universities and College Admissions Service (UCAS), UK, show the number of students starting chemical engineering courses has almost doubled in the past five years.

  • China’s Solar Module Market Booming, but Shortage Looms

    Chinese Tier 1 photovoltaic (PV) suppliers are seeing a boom in demand and have sold out of product until the second quarter of 2015. As a result, a shortage in solar modules is expected on the global market in the first quarter of 2015, according to the latest analysis from IHS Technology.

  • ASCE Technical Division Will Advance Infrastructure Resilience

    The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has formally approved a new technical division on infrastructure resilience.

  • "Back to the Future" for Global Economy, IHS Chief Economist Says

    Many of today’s economic trends are similar to those of the 1980’s and 1990s; a “Back to the Future” scenario for the global economy, according to IHS Chief Economist Dr. Nariman Behravesh.

  • Industry 4.0: Will It Really Happen?

    The term Industry 4.0 implies more than the next step in industrial automation—it is shorthand for the fourth stage of the industrial revolution and is a prediction, not a description of an actual state of affairs.

  • Surplus Boeing Carbon Fiber Headed to the Football Field

    Boeing is working with Russell Brands to incorporate excess carbon fiber from 787 Dreamliner production into the sports brand’s protective athletic gear.

  • Preparing for the Era of Smart Manufacturing

    The global manufacturing industry is on the verge of what many are calling its fourth Industrial Revolution. In Germany, the wave of manufacturing change is called Industry 4.0. Elsewhere, it has been dubbed “smart factory” or “advanced manufacturing.”

  • Cyber Security Bills Signed Into Law

    President Barack Obama on Dec. 18 signed five cybersecurity-related bills, the first time in 12 years that significant cybersecurity legislation has become law.

  • U.S. Congress Passes Bill to Confront Cyber Attack Risks

    The United States Congress approved the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014, which now goes to President Barack Obama to be signed into law.

  • Boeing Breaks Ground for Composites Center

    Boeing began construction of a 367,000-square-foot facility in St. Louis, Mo., where it will build parts for the 777X aircraft.

  • Research Outlines Basic Rules for Construction with Kirigami

    University of Pennsylvania researchers are turning kirigami, an art form related to origami that allows the paper to be cut, into a technique that can be applied to structures on radically divergent length scales.

  • Global Economy Growth Rate of 3% or More Expected in 2015

    The global economy is expected to expand at a rate of 3.0% or slightly higher in 2015 after three years of global growth stuck in the 2.5% range, according to a forecast from Nariman Behravesh, chief economist for IHS.

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