Researchers from ETH Zurich have developed an excavator that can autonomously build a 6 meter high, 65 meter long dry stonewall.

The excavator, dubbed HEAP, relies on sensors to draw a 3D map of a construction site as well as localize the construction materials. Meanwhile, a combination of machine vision and custom tools enable the excavator to scan and grasp large stones.

Source: ETH ZurichSource: ETH Zurich

Further, an algorithm is employed to enable the excavator to determine the most appropriate location for each stone, while the excavator performs the task of placing the stones in those locations.

An article detailing HEAP, “A framework for robotic excavation and dry stone construction using on-site materials,” appears in the journal Science Robotics.

To see HEAP in action, watch the accompanying video that appears courtesy of ETH Zurich.

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