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It has been more than 45 years since Saint-Gobain introduced SHEERFILL Architectural Membrane. Today, more than 70 million square feet of SHEERFILL is installed globally. The permanent, tensioned membrane structure, composed of fiberglass and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), is used in the sports, transportation, retail and specialty market segments. Available in a range of strengths and light transmission levels, SHEERFILL membranes cover structures ranging from a full-sized stadium to a small skylight.

SHEERFILL PTFE-coated fiberglass delivers an open, airy feeling of color-correct light indoors, as well as a backlit luminosity at night that creates a unique and dramatic architectural signature on the skyline. These Star-Certified PTFE membrane materials often feature 25 years or more of reliable service and have a solar reflectance of 71 percent and a thermal emittance of 89 percent, providing a truly green choice. This additionally lowers air conditioning and lighting needs, while maintenance is lower based on the easy clean nature of PTFE, as rain removes most surface dirt and dust.

A SHEERFILL membrane transmits up to 20 percent of daylight without the heat gain of traditional glazing. HVAC costs are lower compared to other glazing alternatives. SHEERFILL’s impervious coating makes it unaffected by age, climate, pollutants or discoloration.

The PTFE membrane structure is translucent and noncombustible, with a Class A rating and an overall performance standard in accordance with permanent building codes. It also meets fire code requirements for virtually all types of construction.

SHEERFILL enables architects to successfully address complex aesthetic and functional design challenges and create structures of stunning beauty. While the SHEERFILL surface is refreshed with rain and cleaning, the search was on for a membrane that could actively break down contaminants and render the surface free of dirt and pollution, especially in environments with excessive pollution or those with extremely dry conditions.

EverClean — Substantially Better

SHEERFILL with EverClean is a titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating technology. The improvement eliminates a variety of costs of ownership. When UV light strikes EverClean’s surface, hydroxyl radicals (OH) and superoxide radicals (O2-) decompose organic substances. The catalyst enables the oxidation process to occur, without being consumed by the reaction.

Figure 1. EverClean purifies the air, reduces harmful acid rain and even aids in plant fertilization. Source: Saint-GobainFigure 1. EverClean purifies the air, reduces harmful acid rain and even aids in plant fertilization. Source: Saint-Gobain

The TiO2 technology decomposes two atmospheric pollutants: nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide. These pollutants, found in exhaust fumes and smoke, contribute to acid rain and urban ozone and lead to deforestation and damage human health. The EverClean chemical reduction process releases nitrate ions and washes them into the soil where they help fertilize plants.

Figure 2. EverClean has antibacterial, anti-mold, anti-dirt and anti-odor properties. Organic substances are decomposed by the constant generation of activated oxygen. Source: Saint-GobainFigure 2. EverClean has antibacterial, anti-mold, anti-dirt and anti-odor properties. Organic substances are decomposed by the constant generation of activated oxygen. Source: Saint-Gobain

SHEERFILL with EverClean was first commercially used in 2009 on AT&T stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys, as a fixed membrane on the stadium’s retractable frame roof. Today, almost 10 years later, the membrane remains white and bright, with virtually no maintenance. Cleaning large membrane roofs can cost up to $50,000 or more, with the frequency of cleaning set by the design of the structure and local conditions.

Figure 3. AT&T Stadium has a Sheerfill with EverClean roof. Source: Saint-GobainFigure 3. AT&T Stadium has a Sheerfill with EverClean roof. Source: Saint-Gobain

SHEERFILL with EverClean features:

• Lightweight construction — light material, long spans and less support structure needed versus conventional materials.

• Low energy costs — Cool Roof Rating Council and Energy Star-rated, it maintains high reflectance throughout its useful life and lowers HVAC costs.

• Low maintenance — self-cleaning and no re-tensioning of the membrane throughout 25-plus-years of life expectancy.

• Photocatalytic TiO2 helps eliminate NOx and other pollutants, creating the daily air-cleaning equivalent of 90 trees for every 1,000 m2 installed.

• Dimensional stability of the fabric — withstands heavy snows, wind, continuous exposure to sunlight and extreme temperatures from -100° F to 450° F.

• Noncombustible materials, meeting requirements for areas with large crowds.


Architects represent clients that have a variety of goals. For some, aesthetics is the most important; for others, cost savings is the ultimate goal, and more recently, green technology has moved onto the wish list. The combination of SHEERFILL and EverClean delivers all three.

See how the SHEERFILL family of architectural membranes, now with EverClean, can work with your architectural designs. Visit Saint-Gobain’s EverClean for more information.