First Production of Hydrogen from Tidal Power
S. Himmelstein | September 14, 2017The EMEC electrolyzer. Source: Colin Keldie
The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has produced the world’s first tidal-powered hydrogen, using an electrolyzer at its test facility in Orkney, Scotland. An electrolyzer supplied by ITM Power was fed power from Scotrenewables’ SR2000 and Tocardo’s TFS and T2 tidal turbines.
The 0.5 MW polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer, with integrated compression and up to 500 kg of storage, is housed in a standard 20’ by 10’ ISO container with hydrogen generation capacity of up to 220 kg/24 hours.
Another initiative set to showcase the system is the Surf’n’Turf project being led by Community Energy Scotland in partnership with Orkney Islands Council, EMEC, Eday Renewable Energy and ITM Power. The electrolyzer will produce hydrogen using electricity from EMEC’s test site and power from a 900 kW Enercon wind turbine owned by the Eday community. The hydrogen will drive a fuel cell on the Kirkwall pier and supply auxiliary power to moored ferries overnight. A training program to promote the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel source on the inter-island ferries themselves is also under development.