Quantum dot plastic composite has controllable shape and color
Engineering360 News Desk | June 23, 2020Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. has developed quantum dot + resin composite material with higher resistance against light, water and heat. With this composite material, creators can make any shape in any color by using a mold, and quantum dots that can emit various colors. Green Science Alliance has been developing quantum dot + resin, silica-based inorganic composite material, although it was difficult to control the material's shape. The development of shape and emission color of quantum dot material control is a major step.
Quantum dots are generally supplied as dispersed nanoparticles in water or organic solvent so that they can be used as printing or coating materials. However, with this method, quantum dots have weakness such as poor lightfastness, as well as poor water and heat resistance, especially when they are printed or coated onto a substrate.
The new quantum dot + resin composite material could be used for many applications including quantum dot display, solar cell, laser, LED, medical devices, bio-imaging and more.
Learn more about the new quantum dot resin, visit the Green Science Alliance Co. website.