Platform designed to produce hydrogen from tidal power
S. Himmelstein | May 19, 2020The advantages of tidal energy and hydrogen production merge in a floating platform called the Tidal Hydrogen Production, Storage and Offtake (THyPSO) system, which is designed to produce renewable hydrogen from seawater. U.K.-based renewable energy developer HydroWing and Dutch tidal turbine supplier Tocardo are advancing An offtake vessel moored down-stream of the device is connected with a pressurized delivery hose. Source: HydroWingTHyPSO to contribute to continued electricity generation decarbonization.
The system features six bidirectional tidal turbines and an integrated hydrogen production unit that converts surrounding seawater into the gas. Up to two weeks’ supply of hydrogen can be stored in pressurized tanks, with offtake scheduled autonomously by remote communications and discharge within a single slack tide.
Requiring no grid connection, the THyPSO can be deployed rapidly at sites that would otherwise be unfeasible and without the need for expensive and high risk subsea electrical infrastructure. Substantial time and costs can be saved during installation and decommissioning phases. The autonomous nature of the generating platform makes investment easier as with single, compact and recoverable assets, which can be easily relocated to new locations as required.
The THyPSO project is geared to demonstrate streamlined implementation of tidal energy projects with a view toward developing larger projects to meet the growing demand for renewably sourced hydrogen.