Nanoplastics found to persist in potable water
S. Himmelstein | March 16, 2020The presence of plastics in natural waters has long been acknowledged as a threat to aquatic biota, and recent research on the persistence of nanoplastic particles now raises questions about implications for human health.
Washington State University researchers examined the relatively unexplored fate of polyethylene and Salt types and ionic strength had significant effects on the stability of both nanoscale plastic types, while pH had none. Source: Mehnaz Shams et al.polystyrene nanoscale plastics in a range of aquatic chemistries. Salt types and ionic strength were observed to exert significant effects on the stability of both types of nanoscale plastic, while pH had none. Polystyrene nanospheres proved more stable in the aquatic environment than polyethylene nanoscale plastics.
The health implications of nanoplastic ingestion via drinking water, estimated by the researchers as a few grams of plastic each month, are unknown. Almost eight trillion pieces of microplastics are believed to enter wastewater treatment plants daily and end up in aquatic environments, and more than 90% of tap water in the U.S. is thought to contain these invisible plastic pollutants.
Technology is needed to effectively remove micro- and nanoscale plastics from water treatment plants. The researchers also emphasize the need for reduced use of single-use plastics and increased plastics recycling.
Does brushing your teeth with a toothbrush made with plastic bristles result in the ingestion of nanoplastics?
According to Darwin:
Future generations may be excreting body waste in naturally-packaged plastic tubes as our systems adapt.
Fish may incorporate plastic into their scale chemistry.
Digestive systems will find away to utilize this energy source.
Tube worms already use chemical energy rather than sunlight.
Sea creatures will begin building structures with Legos.
Shellfish and coral will become the foundations.
Octopuses will probably be the leaders in this area,porpoises will be consultants and quality control experts.`
Soon the structures will exceed the depth of the coral reefs and move onto land,and the amphibians will evolve again.
All creatures will have blue blood (hemocyanin) like horseshoe crabs,immune to most all diseases.
Man may have been a stepping stone for nature to create plastic in order to develop more advanced life forms.
We may have served our purpose already and it is time to exit the stage.
Out of all the species that have ever existed on this planet,the ones that have survived until today are only 1% of the total.
One day we will become a sediment layer,so enjoy it while you can.
Make every day count.
Have fun.
Play hard.
Laugh a lot.
Make others laugh.
Don't worry be happy! com/watch?v=L3HQMbQA WRc