As more construction companies turn to robotics to solve nationwide labor shortages, a new report suggests that by 2025, 7,000 robots could be performing construction site tasks.

The report, Construction & Demolition Robots, which was conducted by market intelligence firm Tractica, predicts that a growing number of construction robots will likely be performing demolition, site prep and road building tasks, while structure robots will be capable of bricklaying, welding and 3D-printing concrete and finishing robots will be capable of installing drywall, drilling, painting and cleaning.

Although the construction industry has reportedly been slow to adopt automation, the nationwide labor shortage of skilled workers has forced the industry to consider artificial intelligence (AI) as an alternative. Consequently, human construction workers are increasingly assisted by robots with construction capabilities along with exoskeletons and lift-assist robots already at work in the industry. Reportedly, those robots will help to address labor shortages, improve safety and productivity while lowering operating costs by reducing the amount of labor needed for a project.

For more on the study, go to the report Construction & Demolition Robots.

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