Industry Perspectives
Microscopes Play Key Role in Medical Device Manufacturing
Microscopes play a key role in documenting regulatory compliance at all stages of the manufacturing process, from initial development to volume production.
Tap into the Strength and Flexibility of Engineering Composites
Advanced process materials enable design flexibility in modern day composite production.
Implement Calibration and Certification Accreditation for a Competitive Advantage
By implementing proven procedures that are backed by certified and calibrated instrumentation, companies distance themselves from their competition, and are in a better position to win contracts.
Phenolic Insulation: A Wise Choice For Chilled Water Piping
Insulation is a critical component in chilled water systems. Piping that carries water at below-ambient temperatures creates a strong vapor drive toward the pipe. In other words, ambient air — which is at higher vapor pressure — tries to push moist air toward the insulated pipe surface, where vapor pressure is lower.
Equipping Pumps With Bearing Solutions Designed to Boost Performance, Reliability, and Productivity
Bearings in centrifugal pumps support hydraulic loads imposed on the impeller, the mass of the impeller and shaft, and loads due to couplings and drive systems. They additionally keep axial and radial deflections of shafts within acceptable limits for the impeller and shaft seal.
Planar Magnetics Meet Critical Power Demands
Fast chargers for all types of electric vehicles and industries have become more popular as commuters rely on energy efficient options for transportation. With commuters moving away from ethanol based fuel mixtures, electric vehicles are becoming more standardized and environmentally friendly.
Flexible Couplings Give Power Transmission Designs an Edge
Fixed couplings will provide the greatest efficiency of torque and power transmission, but they have their drawbacks. Even the smallest misalignment can create premature bearing and axle failure, especially at higher speeds.
There’s An App For That: Equipping Industrial Plants with Easy Access to Solutions on the Spot
Not too long ago, readily available resources on how best to set up, operate, monitor, and maintain machinery were limited. When searching for help and answers, the few available choices were to turn to a more experienced colleague, consult an equipment manual, or contact a component supplier.
How to Choose the Right Fastener
Picking the right fastener will not be noticed. But failing to pick the right fastener for an application may cause problems from a small leak to a disastrous failure, and that will be noticed for sure.
Remke Takes Tough Connector Challenges in Stride
A solid commitment to U.S. manufacturing and unwavering customer support has made industrial electrical connector supplier Remke, Inc., a widely respected company for more than 50 years.
Norton Red Heat R983 Belts and Discs: Premium Metalworking Tools
Geared for moderate and lower pressure applications, Norton Red Heat is suited to grinding and polishing of Inconel, stainless steel, carbon steel, titanium, and other metals. Whether the end-use application is in aerospace, foundry, welding, transportation, medical or MRO, Norton Red Heat has the right tools for the job.
5 Reasons To Put Technology On Your To-do List
Getting more done at the lowest cost is the goal. Seems simple enough, but as we all know the challenges are many—not enough skilled operators, equipment at the wrong site, materials not delivered and phone calls that go unanswered are just a few.
AFLAS 200P Base-Resistant Elastomer for Gaskets, Seals, and Coatings
AGC Chemicals' new AFLAS 200P is a terpolymer that balances heat and chemical resistance with low-temperature flexibility and base-resistant performance. It is suitable for many oil and gas exploration and extraction applications, as well chemical process industries and automotive components.
Solid Oil Bearings From SKF
For most applications involving rolling element bearings, standard greases or oils will adequately lubricate a bearing’s rolling elements and raceways. However, in instances of extreme or especially demanding operating environments, conventional lubricants may not be able to make the grade.
Reduce Your Finishing Operation's Steps with Norton's Rapid Finish General Purpose Convolute Wheels
Norton | Saint-Abrasives has simplified non-woven abrasive wheel selection with the introduction of the Rapid Finish General Purpose (GP) line of convolute wheels, which are designed to meet 80% of machine shops' non-woven operations.
EOS M 400-4 Shatters Boundaries of Additive Manufacturing, Making Greater Productivity, Efficiency and Part Quality Possible
EOS M 400-4 provides the next era of productivity, efficiency and quality in additive manufacturing applications.
Safe, Durable Oil and Water Repellency for Food Packaging Applications: AsahiGuard for Molded Fiber Paper
Molded fiber paper continues to gain in popularity as a food-packaging material. As a pulp-based product, it can be easily formed into complex three-dimensional shapes that—for any number of end-use applications—can be a less-expensive packaging option.
Norton Century45 Wheels Offer Unrivaled Efficiency for Centerless Grinding
When it comes to attaining the best roundness, dimensional tolerance and surface finish for bar stock, centerless grinding is the clear choice among machine operators. The throughfeed grinding process is particularly favored in high-volume job shops where parts must be produced efficiently.
New AGC Adhesive-Grade Products—For The Automotive Industry And Beyond
(Sponsored Content) For over a decade, U.S. policymakers have encouraged the use of ethanol and other biofuels as additives in internal combustion engines to meet a range of objectives relating to the environment, the economy and energy security.
Reliable, Space Critical, High Energy Dense
Fast charging and battery management systems for electric vehicles have become more popular as commuters rely on energy efficient options for transportation. With commuters moving away from flex-fuel based ethanol mixtures, electric vehicles are becoming more standardized and environmentally friendly.