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Environmental, Health and Safety


  • This water treatment plant is solar-powered

    A 100 kW ground mounted solar system with a 27-kW rooftop system now powers this water treatment plant.

  • Polymer additions in concrete

    Polymers can increase the strength, make the concrete more “green” and can decrease the mass of the final product. With these advantages in mind, material scientists are exploring all of the possible additives and how they may impact the structures of the future.

  • Materials innovations sparked from agricultural waste

    Any time a waste stream can be converted into useful material, there is potential to make a profit as well as reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Because of this, research in reusing agricultural waste has become a growing field.

  • Forecasting US hydropower under climate change

    The implications of future climatic trends for hydroelectric power capacity in the U.S. have been analyzed.

  • Artificial plants clear the air indoors

    In addition to feeding on indoor carbon dioxide, these devices also generate a small amount of electricity.

  • A new floating drone to pick up microplastics with its teeth

    During trials of the technology, the team reportedly achieved more than 80% recovery efficiency of microplastics like expanded polystyrene, polypropylene and polyethylene, among others.

  • Steel beams to sofas: The silent carbon sink of the technosphere

    A large amount will end up in landfills, incinerated, or simply become litter.

  • Zero-water cooling for data centers

    Microsoft plans to implement water-free cooling systems across its new data center developments.

  • The PrevEx Analyzer: Unmatched accuracy and safety for maximizing efficiency and profitability in industrial applications

    The analyzer performs critical safety functions, protecting plant and personnel, while also providing the ability to increase productivity and profitability through process-control energy savings.

  • Well, well, well: AI's orphaned oil mission

    AI needs to perform flawlessly across maps of varying terrains, colors, and from perfectly new, to brittle and discolored.

  • A renewable route to pumping water in the desert

    Simulations optimized a system that combines solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage to operate water pumping systems in Jordan.

  • Analyzers for smart and efficient chlorine measurement

    The new analyzer family offers highly accurate and stable measurements for effective chlorine control.

  • EPA issues health-based criteria for PFAS in water

    The new criteria can be used to inform water quality standards to protect people from exposure to PFAS.

  • A buoyant solar solution for water scarcity issues

    The low-cost, solar-powered and portable water desalination device could help combat water scarcity in developing or remote areas.

  • Revolutionary plasma tech transforms water into a germ-killing powerhouse

    The device, which pairs plasma activation with solar charging, could be a possible solution for sanitation in regions where electricity is scarce or areas that commonly experience harsh conditions.

  • Portable sensor pinpoints water pollutants

    The compact system can be deployed by professionals and laymen alike to accurately detect phenol, benzene and other constituents in water.

  • Robot learns to identify plants by 'feeling' their leaves

    The robot can accomplish this by measuring properties including surface texture and water content — properties that could not be previously determined using visual approaches.

  • Seco leads the way with Life Cycle Assessment

    The company is leveraging Life Cycle Assessments to meet ambitious sustainability goals and support customers in making environmentally conscious decisions.

  • CO2Meter releases new PRO-10 portable CO2 safety detector

    The detector is ideal for applications in the food and beverage industry, dry ice production, indoor agriculture, and scientific or pharma fields.

  • How to improve energy efficiency in industrial motors and drives

    Industrial drives play a crucial role in powering machinery in every sector of industry and human endeavor, including manufacturing, transport, mining, oil and gas extraction/refining, and farming.

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