Robot bees may soon be employed by Walmart, according to patents recently filed by the retail giant.

A patent for pollination drones, also called autonomous robotic bees (which are meant to help with pollination as bee populations continue to decline), have been filed, meaning significant implications for crop production.

Walmart has also filed a handful of other farming drone patents, including a patent for a pest identification system and a patent that tracks crop health and predicted yields — all hinting that the retailer is exploring its own agricultural practices and crop production.

While no official statements have been made concerning the patents, the news comes on the heels of Walmart’s announcement that it will likely expand its grocery delivery services to 800 of its stores with the goal of reaching over 40 percent of homes in the U.S.

“We're always thinking about new concepts and ways that will help us further enhance how we service customers, but we don't have any further details to share on these patents at this time," a spokesperson for Walmart said.

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