Drones upgraded with cutting-edge metal-slicing laser technology
Marie Donlon | December 16, 2024The researchers developed the laser-equipped drones for scenarios wherein a single drone could confront a squad of fully armed soldiers by emitting a near-infrared laser 200 million times more powerful than a beam of 1,080 nm wavelength. The researchers noted that such laser power is enough to vaporize subcutaneous fat on contact as well as cut through metal.
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To accomplish this, the team developed a laser beam with a long kill range that typically requires truck-sized equipment. To enable small drones to carry such a high-powered laser weapon or the energy supply it demands, the researchers invented a compact, lightweight device that allows drones to receive laser beams from the ground and to subsequently redirect them precisely at enemy targets.
The so-called redirecting device is comprised of two telescope-like tubes. One of these tubes receives the laser beam from the ground while the second tube reflects it in the direction of the target. Guiding the tubes are elevation servo mechanisms and azimuth turntables, with high-performance reflective mirrors linking the optical path between them, the researchers explained.
By reflecting a laser sent from the ground onto the target, the drone’s laser power is reportedly boosted to 30 kW or more. Likewise, this configuration enables the beam to bend around obstacles like buildings, and to strike targets where they are most vulnerable.
The research team envisions that future iterations of these drones equipped with the device could eventually detect targets and request laser support from the ground, thereby expediting response speeds.