Drilling Systems, a drilling simulation technology provider, has launched a DrillSIM Downhole model to offer realistic training for geothermal applications.

The new downhole model is intended to enhance the research and development capabilities of new and existing DrillSIM simulators to enable stakeholders to practice operations such as directional drilling, kick tracking and stuck pipe, in a realistic and detailed virtual environment. New features of the technology include additional real-world data modelling, an advanced thermal and dynamic design, drill string vibration, a 3D well path and enhanced focus on the transport of cuttings found in deep drilling operations.

Source: Drilling SystemsSource: Drilling Systems

The model, which is now implemented for the first time at the Drilling Simulator Celle, a research facility of Clausthal University of Technology (TUC) in Germany, elaborates on the basic principles and mathematical formulations based on simulations and experiments. Further, this enabled Drilling Systems to develop and provide the DrillSIM API (Application Programming Interface), which lets students write and integrate programs in C# and Python to alter the behavior of the simulator.

Its developers added: “We’re excited to be able to offer our students enhanced training that has the ability to simulate drilling operations of deep geothermal wells. With the ability to include possible problems one might encounter in such operation (caused by e.g. certain temperature development, kick, cutting transport, or even tool failures) in a high degree of detail, we are able to analyze and optimize such complex operation.”

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