Robot manufacturer Avidbots has developed a floor-scrubbing robot designed for industrial spaces.

The floor-scrubbing robot, dubbed Neo2W, is designed for warehouses and manufacturing environments where they are expected to improve cleaning efficiency, quality and productivity.

Source: AvidBotsSource: AvidBots

Neo2W is intended to reallocate labor within such settings by automating the removal of floor debris within dynamic workspaces and amid changing layouts.

According to Avidbots, advanced localization algorithms allow Neo2W to clean without human intervention. Neo2W reportedly delivers cleaning productivity estimated to be up to 42,000 square feet per hour.

The Neo2W includes the Debris Driver, the Bulk Navigator and Advanced Obstacle Detection (AOD) features with the Debris Driver diverting debris and reducing vacuum hose and tank clogs while the Bulk Navigator employs advanced localization algorithms that enable the robot to clean in dynamic and challenging environments. Meanwhile, the AOD feature enables Neo2W to identify and avoid obstacles on the floor such as pallets and forklift/pallet mover tines via machine learning capabilities.

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