A cutaway of the IMSR core. Source: Terrestrial Energy USAA cutaway of the IMSR core. Source: Terrestrial Energy USA

Terrestrial Energy USA has partnered with utility Southern Company and several U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories to investigate the production of hydrogen using its Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR).

The two-year research and development project will examine the efficiency, design and economics of the IMSR power plant to produce carbon-free, industrial-scale hydrogen using the hybrid sulfur process. This carbon-free method of generating hydrogen from water may be more efficient than high-temperature steam electrolysis.

The project intends to demonstrate the commercial and industrial-scale viability of pairing the hybrid sulfur process with an IMSR power plant for large-scale production of hydrogen with zero greenhouse-gas emissions.

The initiative builds on two decades of research at Savannah River National Laboratory, which will continue to lead the technology development along with Sandia National Laboratories and Idaho National Laboratory.

Hydrogen is used in ammonia production, petroleum refining, chemicals production and other industrial applications, and is expected to grow significantly as a storable energy carrier. Future applications include all forms of transportation, thermal energy and energy storage, as well as growth in conventional uses of hydrogen. By 2020, the hydrogen market is expected to reach $200 billion.

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