Vying to be a global leader in technology, Dubai will soon be conducting a number of trials on digital license plates along with other emerging technologies.

Also outfitted with GPS and transmitters, the digital number plates will be able to alert emergency services if a car is involved in an accident as well as being able to help locate the car. Likewise, the plates will also be able to monitor traffic conditions and communicate that information to other drivers.

The plates can also be synced to the driver’s bank account so that fines and parking fees can be automatically deducted from them, a feature designed to simplify life for drivers in Dubai.

Still, despite the claims that the technology will ease certain aspects of driving in Dubai, critics are concerned that the technology will be used by the government to track drivers.

With a concentration on transportation, Dubai has also expressed interest in self-driving car technology and drone taxis in addition to plans for a Hyperloop system between Dubai and the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi.

The trial of digital license plates will begin next month and will go through the end of November.

To contact the author of this article, email mdonlon@globalspec.com