ReImage Credit: Rex Gauge Company, IncImage Credit: Rex Gauge Company, Incx Gauge Co.'s RDC-1 durometer calibrator was designed to help durometer users obtain in-house calibration ability. The calibrator comes complete with weights for calibrating springloads of gauges in the A, B, C, D, DO and O durometer scales. It also includes an adapter which gives the RDC-1 the ability to calibrate durometers from manufacturers other than Rex. The RDC-1 is a great way for durometer users to cut the costs of sending durometers out for calibration at the recommended yearly intervals.

From the beginning, the Rex calibrator was designed to be simple to use. Unlike a conventional scale, it doesn't require the fabrication on an exotic fixture to hold the gauge, and the user doesn't have to perform any complicated calculations to determine if a gauge is in calibration. With the RDC-1, simply secure the gauge in the clamp and slide the weight to the appropriate point on the scale, if the gauge reads within +/-1 of the point indicated on the scale, it's in calibration. The RDC-1 offers quality unparalleled by any other. With its thick steel base, oversize stainless steel column, and thirty pound weight, the RDC-1 is the sturdiest calibrator made. All components are precision CNC machined to exacting tolerances, and then plated or painted to insure long life. The RDC-1 comes to you fully calibrated with documentation traceable to NIST. It also comes with instructions and technical notes covering specifics about durometer calibration. The Rex RDC-1 calibrator is made and assembled in the U.S.A