The alternative fuel and democratized transportation technologies of the future — EVs, hybrids, hydrogen, MaaS — have been heralded as the technology that will save humanity from its combustion-engine over-dependence for more than a decade now.

Together, they promise to greatly curtail the fossil fuel emissions that have stimulated climate change for two centuries. They will give citizens more transportation freedom while also giving pedestrians back vast swaths of asphalt. Not only will commutes become more efficient, they will become safer as drivers become less responsible for vehicle functions. Families might be able to save thousands per year by becoming a one car family. Individuals might be able to go car-less completely. The streetscape and automobiles will become part of one seamless, interconnected ecosystem.

Sounds grand, doesn't it?

To the casual observer, we are no closer to these technologies than 10 years ago. However, to the engineers, technical professionals, city planners and technologists among us, they know that the industrial revolution didn't happen overnight. And neither will the transportation revolution.

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