Amid a global shortage of skilled welders, robotics firm Acieta has developed a new collaborative robotic system for welding.

The new “FastARC” welding cobot features a Fanuc CRX-10iA/L 6-axis robot mounted on a mobile platform. According to its developers, the cobot takes on simpler welding tasks, thereby freeing up skilled welders — who are in short supply — for more complex welding tasks.

Source: AcietaSource: Acieta

The system, which is reportedly compatible with Fronius, Lincoln Electric and Miller welding units, can work safely alongside human workers, ceasing operations if a robotic arm makes contact with a human worker.

Improving productivity, one person can operate several FastARC cobots at once.

For more information on the FastARC cobot, watch the accompanying video that appears courtesy of Acieta.

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