10 Memes that Sum up Life as an Engineering Student
Siobhan Treacy | January 11, 20181. We all know the second week of school is the hardest.
2. Usually, this is the second revelation that engineering students have, after realizing that it isn't going to be easy.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
3. The mid-semester slump is always the hardest.
4. Going home for holidays or breaks is always hard because people assume they know exactly what you're doing at school.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
5. When people ask you why you chose to be an engineering major, sometimes you have to hide your true intentions.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
6. If you're a senior, graduation is just on the horizon and now is about the time you start realizing just how difficult the current job market is.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
7. On top of that, there are assignments popping up in your email left and right. Just when it feels like you will be able to be free for one night, something new pops up.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
8. You do the smallest things to give yourself some small victories.
Source: FunnyBeing.com
9. Pressing send on the last assignment of the semester always feels so good.
Source: knowyourmeme.com
10. If you're graduating, you can go forward and be successful! Even if that includes fixing trivial things... maybe not in the right way but hey, you fixed it.
Source: knowyourmeme.com
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