A rebar-tying robot has been developed by a team of researchers at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Designed to automate tasks at construction sites, the rebar tying robot moves along reinforcement rods and automatically ties them together at the intersection.

Source: HKUSTSource: HKUST

According to its developers, the robot can reportedly outperform any human at the rebar tying job and can complete one task in just five second versus the three to four times that amount of time for a human worker to perform that same job.

In addition to improving construction site efficiency, the robot’s developers suggest that it will also likely alleviate the physical strain on human workers and enhance workplace safety.

The HKUST researchers have added both manual and automatic modes in the robot, explaining that while the robot is operating in the manual mode, it will function based on the commands it receives. However, when in automatic mode, the rebar-tying robot will move between bars without any prompt.

Further, the robot is outfitted with sensors that help it to avoid falling down or colliding with other objects or personnel while at the construction site.

So far, the HKUST team has trialed the robot at construction sites in both Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The team plans to launch the rebar-tying robot by the end of 2024.

For more on the rebar-tying robot, watch the accompanying video, which appears courtesy of HKUST.

To contact the author of this article, email mdonlon@globalspec.com