3D Printing Process Allows Objects to Grow
A process for 3D printing allows objects to rise continuously from liquid rather than the conventional approach of building objects layer by layer. The technology called Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) may open opportunities for faster and more consistent quality 3D printing.
Technique Uses Carbon Nanotube Film to Heat and Cure Composite Materials
Aerospace engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) have developed a carbon nanotube film that can heat and solidify a composite without using ovens.
Liquid Metal Property Could Lead to Shape-Shift Robots
A team of scientists at Tsinghua University in China has found a liquid metal alloy with self-propulsion and shape-shifting abilities.
Oil Spill Dispersant Found to Be Toxic to Coral, Researchers Say
A Temple University study finds that the dispersant used to remediate the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is toxic to cold-water corals.
NASA and Aerospace Companies to Research Lightweight Composites for Aeronautics
U.S. space agency NASA has established a public-private partnership—the Advanced Composites Consortium—to improve composite materials research and certification.
Awards Spotlight Chemical Industry Winners’ Use of Information, Analytics and Expertise
IHS announced that two companies were honored with IHS SPECTRUM Excellence Awards at the 2015 World Petrochemical Conference in Galveston, TX.
Recycling Standards May Need Revision as 3D Printing Expands
Buying plastic filament for 3D printing can be expensive, says Joshua Pearce, the lead researcher in the Open Sustainability Technology group at Michigan Technological University.
Researchers Develop Cool-temperature Process to Make Better Graphene
A technique invented at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to produce graphene--a material made up of an atom-thick layer of carbon--at room temperature could help pave the way for commercially feasible graphene-based solar cells and light-emitting diodes.
A Low-Cost and Efficient Water-Splitting Electrode
Scientists from University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia have developed a highly efficient oxygen-producing electrode for splitting water.
Bioelectrochemical Processes Could Replace Petrochemistry Lysine Production
Industrial chemicals made from yeast, molds, bacteria and plants that are "fed" with electricity may prove to be an economical alternative to synthetic, petroleum-based materials, say researchers in Germany and Australia.
Carbon Spheres May Cut Engine Friction and Improve Performance
Researchers have found that when small, smooth carbon spheres are added to motor oil, they can reduce friction and wear typically found in engines by as much as 25%.
Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions with a More Effective Carbon Capture Method
One significant way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions entails trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and various industries.
Are Growth Prospects Stunted for Plant-based Chemicals?
Crude oil and natural gas have long been the primary feedstocks for the global chemical industry. But renewable feedstocks such as sugar (from corn or sugarcane) and glycerin (from vegetable oils) have recently challenged the dominance of fossil fuels.
U.S. Chemical Production Rose in January for 10th Month
The U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index rose by 0.4% in January, according to the American Chemistry Council (ACC).
Abrasion-resistant Surfaces Inspired by Desert Scorpions
Researchers at Jilin University in China are looking to the natural world to solve the problem of material erosion by solid particles. Dr. Han Zhiwu and his team are turning to the deadly Androctonus australis, the yellow fat-backed scorpion, for inspiration, as reported in Design News.
Catalyst Aids in Creating Chemicals from Biomass
Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed a selective catalyst that allows the creation of several basic chemicals from biomass rather than petroleum.
Producing More, Cleaner Bioethanol with Nitrogen Gas
Indiana University (IU) biologists believe they have found a faster, less expensive and cleaner way to increase bioethanol production by using nitrogen gas in place of more costly industrial fertilizers.
Solar Cell Performance Improved with Blu-ray Disc
A solar cell scatters light more effectively when it is textured rather than smooth, increasing its efficiency. Scientists have searched for the most effective texture with a reasonable manufacturing cost.
Gases Excluded from Montreal Climate Deal Are Harming Ozone, Researchers Say
A report finds that a man-made chemical, dichloromethane, which is not included in a United Nations treaty aimed at protecting the ozone layer, is contributing to ozone depletion.
Method Recovers High-value Metals for Industry
Researchers at the University of Guanajuato (UGTO) in Mexico have developed an extraction column which recovers metals companies use in their production processes to avoid environmental pollution and lessening economic losses.