Belt drives versus chain drives for power transmission
Belt drives have evolved teeth and are not to be outdone. Expect to find these timing or synchronous belt drives in engines and other intricate mechanical systems that rely on nth-degree power transmission control.
A greener route to heating and cooling
A new magnetocaloric heat pump matches current vapor-compression heat pumps for weight, cost, and performance.
Online event: Applications for thermal imaging on wind power systems
Learn more about the use of thermal imaging for the optimization, development and maintenance of wind turbines.
This water treatment plant is solar-powered
A 100 kW ground mounted solar system with a 27-kW rooftop system now powers this water treatment plant.
Forecasting US hydropower under climate change
The implications of future climatic trends for hydroelectric power capacity in the U.S. have been analyzed.
Artificial plants clear the air indoors
In addition to feeding on indoor carbon dioxide, these devices also generate a small amount of electricity.
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. to exhibit energy-efficient and sustainable drive solutions for HVACR at AHR 2025
The company will showcase solutions to help heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) facilities operate more efficiently and sustainably.
Steel beams to sofas: The silent carbon sink of the technosphere
A large amount will end up in landfills, incinerated, or simply become litter.
New hydrogen-powered trains to roll in Germany
Hydrogen-powered trains are entering passenger service in the Berlin-Brandenburg and Bavarian regions.
Powering an oil refinery with solar energy
In an unusual merger of renewable energy and fossil fuels, solar energy is being tapped to power an existing oil refinery.
Ice storage to bolster grid reliability in California
A virtual power plant consisting of up to 193 cold thermal energy storage installations will be placed at commercial buildings statewide.
Three key fan laws explained: Airflow versus static pressure versus horsepower
These three fan laws explain how a fan’s airflow, pressure and power consumption change in response to a change in fan operating speed within certain fixed systems.
Achieving precision and reliability: Best practices for operating and maintaining temperature humidity chambers
Learn how to operate a humidity chamber and explore the best practices using temperature humidity chambers.
Well, well, well: AI's orphaned oil mission
AI needs to perform flawlessly across maps of varying terrains, colors, and from perfectly new, to brittle and discolored.
Single-core three-phase power transformer features reduced size and weight for US Navy ships
The compact, militarized single-core three-phase transformer was designed for use within U.S. Navy shipboard power distribution systems.
Bolt monitoring system for wind turbines
The system detects broken bolts or studs in the blade root that connects to the hub and alerts operators immediately.
A renewable route to pumping water in the desert
Simulations optimized a system that combines solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage to operate water pumping systems in Jordan.
SLB announces AI-driven drilling solution
This technology autonomously interprets real-time subsurface data to guide the drill bit through the most productive reservoir layers, improving well performance while reducing drilling emissions.
A buoyant solar solution for water scarcity issues
The low-cost, solar-powered and portable water desalination device could help combat water scarcity in developing or remote areas.
Halliburton unveils Intelli Portfolio: Cutting-edge wireline diagnostic solutions for well interventions
This suite of services will enable Halliburton to collaborate more with customers while also improving well insights to increase production, extend asset life and reduce total cost of operations.