NORD Drivesystems now offers free standard shipping for all online Spare Parts Shop orders over $25. This new feature was launched in early July 2024 and will remain in place indefinitely. To take advantage of the discount, customers simply need to place orders via their Spare Parts Shop accounts. Free shipping will be applied at time of check out for all qualifying orders.

The Spare Parts Shop is part of the myNORD Online Customer Portal created for convenience and 24/7/365 access to purchase and product information. Registered users can quickly locate, order and track spare parts with ease via any computer or smart device. Comprehensive, unit-specific diagrams can easily be found simply by entering a NORD serial number or order number. Spare parts, including modular commodity motors, UNIVERSAL SI worm gear units, and variable frequency drives, can also be found by directly entering the known part number or by utilizing the interactive search feature.

Source: NORD DrivesystemsSource: NORD Drivesystems

The Spare Parts Shop provides interactive parts breakdowns, allowing users to select required parts and easily add them to their shopping cart, view current availability from U.S. manufacturing plants, and see the expected ship date. After parts are added to the cart, customers can choose which facility the order will ship from with either standard delivery or next day air via prepaid carriers. The free shipping discount will automatically apply if standard delivery is selected and the cart totals over $25.

Along with ordering parts, the myNORD Online Customer Portal also offers additional collaborative benefits, sales and service support, and unit documentation. Users can generate quotes with account-specific pricing and either submit them for processing or save them to their company’s quote dashboard for colleagues to review. A “Share Via Email” function enables quick email communication with a PDF of unit diagrams, a complete Bill of Material, current availability, and a direct link back to the specific unit information within the dashboard. Serial number documentation including operation and maintenance manuals, spare parts lists, technical information (TI) and declarations of conformity, can also be downloaded from the After Sales Support tab. A form is also available to directly contact NORD for additional support.

The latest improvements to myNORD include an expanded and updated selection to the product configurator with new standardized 1.250 inch shaft dimensions for the SK 12063 UNICASE helical worm gear units, implementation of the new APAB 100 LP and 100 AP 3 hp and 4 hp electric motors, and implementation of the new and improved “AN” NEMA motor adapters.

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