A team from a Germany-based robotics firm has developed a fleet of robotic birds.

The so-called BionicSwift flying robot birds developed by Festo are reportedly ultra-lightweight and feature artificial feathers that assist the robots both in flight and when landing.

Guided by an ultra-sideband radio system, the robot birds follow a preprogrammed flight path for roughly seven minutes at a time. Additionally, the birds weigh 42 grams and have a 26 in wingspan.

Source: FestoSource: Festo

Capable of gliding and turning sharply, the robot’s angle of attack can be adjusted according to desired maneuvers.

In the future, the developers of the BionicSwift believe that the robotic birds could be used in smart factories, transporting materials or locating material flows or potential bottlenecks.

To see the robotic birds in flight, watch the accompanying video that appears courtesy of Festo.

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