The fifth National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day will be celebrated in the U.S. on October 8, a date chosen in recognition of the element’s atomic weight of 1.008.

A recent U.S. Senate resolution reaffirmed the national designation in recognition of the increasing contribution of hydrogen and fuel cells to energy reliability in the transportation, stationary power and industrial sectors. Source: DOESource: DOEThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) notes that more than 12,000 fuel cell cars and 300,000 stationary fuel cells are now operating worldwide, and over 25,000 hydrogen fuel cell forklifts are working in U.S. warehouses. The U.S. also produces over 10 million tons of hydrogen, nearly one-seventh of the global supply.

To further the technology, DOE recently awarded $40 million for 29 projects as part of the H2@Scale initiative, which was launched to promote large-scale hydrogen generation, transport, storage and use across multiple sectors.

Anyone with an interest in the field is invited to explore the agency’s hydrogen and fuel cells career map to examine research and development, engineering, manufacturing, communications and other types of occupations in this sector. Educational resources for workplace or classroom presentations are also available.

Tap social media to find and share information about hydrogen and fuel cell technology by using the hashtags #FuelCellsNow and #HydrogenNow, and follow the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy on Twitter.

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